Scientific Experiments with the Children of Madaa Creative Center Batn Al Hawa Branch / Silwan

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The children at Madaa Creative Center, Batn Al Hawa branch- Silwan conducted scientific experiments with the help of the staff. These experiments were done in order to help develop children’s awareness, and to integrate the scientific materials that they received in schools by experiencing and observing them.

The coordinator at Madaa Creative Center Batn Al Hawa branch - Nemati Sanad – said: “Initially we prepared the materials required for the experiment which are sodium carbonate, baking powder, a balloon and an empty flask, then we put the powder mixture into the balloon and poured vinegar into the flask, after that we placed the balloon on the nozzle of the flask and lifted it gradually until the powder fell inside the flask; the interaction caused the balloon to inflate. In this experiment, children were introduced to chemical changes and reactions”.

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